Friday, June 26, 2009

The Beginning and the End!!

This week was Kaylea's last week as an elementary school student. It feels like it was literally yesterday that I was a sobbing mess driving her to school for her first day of kindergarten. It felt much the same today except that I couldn't really relish in my many memories because my tween couldn't stop talking long enough for me to actually have a thought of my own. I say this with much love. I really do enjoy all those silly little stories that I hear play by play.

What a young lady she has become. I can't wait to experience the next 3 years of Middle School. I have already started praying!!
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My Beautiful Mess! said...

What a beautiful young lady!! Welcome to the middle sista. It is every bit as exciting as it is horrifying - and that is just for us Mom's. lol. They grow up too fast!!