I was reminded that it has really been a long time since I blogged anything. Mostly because things have just been - how do I say this?? BORING!! I need to put some excitement back into my life so I have something worthy to share.
I just remembered that I haven't posted any pics from our vacation in January - so I'll do that soon. I feel like we just got back and it has been over a month.
Random things:
I am doing pretty well on my Couch to 5K adventure. I just love the whole running experience - not really while I'm doing it but the way it somehow lifts my spirits and I just overall feel better. My big 5K is less than 2 weeks away. I really doubt I can run the whole way but who knows - maybe with the adrenaline flowing.
We had a very unromantic Valentine's Day. The sad thing is that neither Bobby or I seemed to really mind. We spent it with the kids at a soccer tournament in Tampa and ate Wendy's on the way home. I really needed to go some place that served cocktails after entertaining Mason for 2 hours at the game. He is really over soccer. I could watch it all day - Well, depending on the age level. I am sorta over watching adults on the soccer channel every single night.
Mason has started tutoring after school one afternoon a week. He is there as I type - that is why I am able to type. She has recommended speech therapy for him. I am thankful for any suggestions that will help him in school. I am really tired of hearing that boys just learn slower. I don't expect perfection but I really don't want him to fall behind so early in his school career. Trust me, I know that boys are different than girls (Kaylea is currently doing her homework without even being told) but I so want to see him excel in school. I also want it to take less than an hour to do a 1st graders homework each night. The tutor does his homework with him and that makes for a great afternoon. Do you think I can pay her a weekly rate? It is just delightful to have it all finished so early in the evening.
We have dog training tonight which puts an uneasy feeling in my tummy. It just stresses me out and I really don't like to participate. It has made a huge difference in their behavior so for that I am thankful. This will be our 4th week so we are halfway there. Mario is drinking rain water out of our fire pit as I speak. I'm sure that tastes yummy not to mention I can't remember when it last rained.
Well, Mason is home now and begging me to play with him. I will try to limit my Facebook time and blog a little more.
Christmas 2012
12 years ago
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