Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Today was a hard day for our little Mason. He has been having trouble (how do I say this?) - going poop for about three years. We have made numerous trips to our pediatrician and haven't seen any improvement in all three years. We finally saw a specialist last week after requesting to be sent there. He was great - he told us much of the same things that our regular doctor has been saying but in better detail. He wanted to rule out first that it may be caused by Hypothyroidism (because we have a family history) which requires blood work. I really hated to put the little guy through it but we had to rule out any possible causes. We will have to wait on the results.

We did learn that recovery from this problem will take about 1 year with limited dairy (Oh my!), medication (which he has been taking for years) and lots and lots of bathroom visits. The doctor doesn't feel that at his young age there will be any long term problems. I now have a better understanding about how all this got started and a bigger picture of how to correct it. It was a big stepping stone for us.

Mason was such a trooper in the lab. I think he was in shock for 30 minutes afterwards. He sorta went pale and didn't speak for a very long time. They were wonderful there at All Children's Specialty Hospital. They even sprayed a numbing spray on his arm to relieve some of the pain - Mason said it didn't work! I don't know if it hurt or just stunned him. He did watch the whole thing which is enough to make anyone feel faint. He is back to normal now. A trip to Toys R Us and a new Wii game always helps.


The Lady Behind the Lens... said...

I can not believe that he is still having those problems I had no idea. Tell him he is like his dad full of poop HAHAHAHA

My Beautiful Mess! said...

So sorry he is having to go through this! Glad things went well at the doctor. Hopefully things will get rolling now and he will never have to go through this again.