Monday, January 18, 2010

Last weekend of soccer - for now!

Last weekend was our last tournament for the regular season of soccer. This tournament was originally scheduled for the first weekend in Dec. but due to buckets and buckets of rain, it was re-scheduled.

The soccer people (the ones that make all the decisions) felt it completely great to play on with the tournament on the coldest weekend we Floridians (at least since I've lived here - 11 years) has ever experienced. It actually sleeted on us during the second game on Saturday and didn't get above 36 degrees. We, mostly the parents, well, mostly just me, were bundled up like we were going to Alaska.

Believe it or not, our girls played GREAT. I think the cold weather agrees with them. We won 2 games, tied 1, and come in 2nd place overall. Should have been first - but I won't go there.
Bobby is now retired from coaching girl's soccer and is moving down to Mason's level. He is giving it a go for 4 v 4 and we'll just have to see how that goes. He is in high demand and will just have to see who will give him the best offer. Just kidding!! Actually, he is a very good coach and has lots of players request to be on his team. He has the perfect mixture of teaching skills, having fun and wanting to win.
I love to watch my kids play soccer and in a few weeks I'll be doing it again. Then, I'll probably be saying that it is stinking hot outside.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Mason seems to be very popular at school. He is a member of several clubs. The Cool Club, The X Box Club and The Handsome Men That Likes to Date the Ladies Club.

Oh, he can't be heard calling my mommy in front of the Cool Club. Only "mom" will do or they will tease and laugh at him. But I still got the best hug and snuggle when I got home today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What a difference!

Mario (formally known as Bruno) came to live with us Christmas Eve 2008. We adopted him from the SPCA. It didn't take long before I realized that we had made a huge mistake. I have never owned a bigger dog before and couldn't get used to the things he could do - like - jump over the back of the sofa (over my head, I must add), jump up into the air and turn 360 degrees, eat 3 cups of dog food a day, lick with a really big tongue, drink from the toilet bowel, eat food off the counter tops in the kitchen with no effort at all, and the list can go on and on.

With a little patience, love and training, I can say that he is now the best and sweetest dog. It is still not the easiest having a 2 dog household but he is honestly better behaved than Boomer. I'm glad that we (I) stuck it out. I wanted to return him each and every day for 2 months, but didn't have the heart to do it. Now, I get joy from him every day.

Resting on his bed

Surprising Kaylea by being in her bed. (No, this is not where he actually sleeps)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to it

Well, today was the last day of Christmas break. We had lots of down time over the last 2 weeks. It was really nice to take a break from the daily grind and relax. Today was a small dose of reality. Bobby took the day off, I worked half a day and then we decided to tackle the attic. We have been putting this off for years because it is way too hot for 10+ months of the year to stand being up there. It wasn't as bad as I thought. We mostly just organized. I found stuff that I forgot I even had.

The good thing about the school routine is that the kids will be in bed by 8:30. I am exhausted from staying up to midnight every night.

This is what was going on here last night.

Tonight, Mason and Kaylea are bathed and ready for bed....

and lunches are packed....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ice, Ice Baby!

I always get a kick out of our Florida town having ice skating every winter. It is such a nice holiday tradition that was forgotten for many years by my family. I still remember how badly my feet hurt during the last ice skating expedition.

We decided to give it a go this week. I opted out this time. I really enjoyed watching and sipping hot chocolate. It is a great place to people watch. I made a friend with a fellow mom watcher and just had myself a good ole time.
I think skating is like riding a bike. The kids and Bobby didn't miss a beat. Mason and Bobby only fell 1 time.
Kaylea brought her friend Courtney.

Mason wanted to pose with his skate.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And on the second day

We are two days into the new year and I feel so refreshed. I think I sorta have this feeling every year. Maybe, I san stick to all my new goals, plans, chore charts and budget ideas longer than 2 weeks.

My 1st goal of the year is to blog about my day every day in 2010. I want to remember the small (but big) moments of my day. This is my attempt to slow down and savor the moment.

I caught Mason doing a little back scratching. What you can't tell from this picture is that the room is dark except for his new disco ball light.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Eve

Our New Year's Eve was just perfect. Nothing fancy - just dinner with the extended family at Bonefish followed by a long visit with my sofa. This has been our first NYE spent at home in years and it suited my just fine. Mason barely stayed awake until the big ball drop. We all managed to stay awake, cheered, hugged each other (pets included) and then to bed.

It couldn't have been more perfect. I think it means I am getting old. But, we all seemed to be happy and that's all that matters.