Sunday, June 29, 2008

Baseball and Hotdogs!

This past Saturday we went to see the Flying Tigers minor league baseball team. It was Kaylea's and Mason's first game. I can't believe how much fun we had. Oh my! It is true that the hotdogs are the best at a baseball game. Not to mention the Cracker Jacks (remember those? they even still have a prize inside) and the extra cheesy nachos. We definitely enjoyed the eats.

The next highlight of our evening were the beach balls. We had 4 going through the fan section at once. It was really funny seeing some unexpecting fans getting boinked in the head. HA HA HA!! It was 80's night and Bobby and I felt right at home. We saw reenactment of Thriller and Flashdance and people were even actually wearing 80's retro clothing. When we first arrived I actually thought people were seriously dressing that way before I realized the theme for the night.

It is so funny how Kaylea know the rules of the game. She learned it all from Wii Sports. Who ever said video games are bad for kids?? After lots and cheering and some booing, the Tigers finally pulled off a win. The score was 2-1. I can't say there was a lot of action.

The evening ended with a great fireworks display. We were so close that we were almost blinded. (Kaylea wanted me to say that). We will definitely go again.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who Took My Umbrella?

Last night we went to one of my favorite places to eat - Chic-Fil-A. It was raining cats and dogs when we arrived so I grabbed my beautiful Brighton umbrella. (My big purchase from Vegas). It was all wet & soggy so I left it by the front door. There was only one other family in the entire restaurant besides us. The thought did cross my mind about the safely of my beloved brella but who would even consider taking it?

Bobby and I were relaxing while the kids played in the stinky feet chamber when he says to me "Someone just left using your umbrella." What? I say. He has been known to tease me a little so of course I had to go thru the questions.

Really? Are you sure? Do you promise? (that one always gets the truth). Yes, Yes, and Yes he said.

Well, we had to report that. The little thief turned out to be an employee going to her car on her break. A manager offered to run out and get it in the middle of the rain storm but we kindly said that we could wait for her and it's return. She did finally arrive and kinda apologize - I think a meal on the house would have worked better.

I just have to ask - Did she not consider that it belonged to one of the guests in the restaurant? Considering that it was still dripping wet when she picked it up. Oh, to be young and absent minded again.

The good news here is that I have my umbrella safe and sound in my possession and the kids got to play for a really long time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our New Trees

I am so excited! We finally have something in our back yard besides grass. You know what they say about the cobbler's shoes! The kids loved digging the big holes. They were very proud of their work and got to see some worms during the process. What Fun!

Father's Day on a Boat!

This Father's Day I decided to give my hard working hubby the almost ultimate gift. We RENTED - not BOUGHT a boat. It was absolutely gorgeous out in the Bay. We wanted to test the waters (so to speak) before plunging into the big purchase. It was all well until Mason upchucked all over Bobby's truck on the way home. Sea sick? I eagerly ask! I guess we can't buy a boat. Truthfully, he was sick the next day - Guess it was a virus.

We headed out really early to rent the boat at the marina. They were extremely nice - if you ever need a recommendation. The only problem all day was that our boat couldn't go over 10 miles an hour. We were left in the dust or waves by two chicks - now that's bad! The good news here is that we only used 3 gallons of gas. At today's prices that is definitely a plus.

We slowly sailed over to Eggmont Key. We cruised around a little while to figure out how others were getting to shore. We finally anchored in about 5 feet of water and swam in. That seemed to be what most people were doing. Bobby eagerly jumped in wallet, keys and all. I looked down at him in the water and saw his wallet floating out to sea. I think this happens yearly!!

The highlight of the trip was our dolphin encounter. It's unbelievable how close they get to the boat. Bobby tried to feed them Fig Newtons but I guess they prefer fish.

A great time was had by all!! We can't wait for our next boat outing.